Give and You Shall Receive

Give and You Shall Receive

Over the past two months we have had the pleasure of hosting Gavin Zheng, a Summer intern from the West Side YMCA’s Teen Career Connection program. By way of quick background, the YMCA program is designed to provide high schoolers with opportunities to explore career paths, build their resumes, and learn professionalism. When first considering our participation, we recognized the importance of tempering our expectations, especially as we were signing up for a high school intern program. Our attitude and expectation was to “give more than we received” and, being a mission-driven organization, we were quite okay with that.

When Is Securities-Based Lending Right for Clients?

We are honored to have been published by


It is becoming increasingly important for financial advisors to have a clearer understanding of how securities-based lending (SBL) products fit into a holistic wealth management advice offering. Though SBL is not for everyone, demand from high-net-worth investors, along with product innovations, mean that advisors cannot afford to dismiss this as a potential wealth management tool.